The PSGLC Leadership Team is a 100% volunteer group that meets once a month. Its members include:
Robynne Ingham

Robynne was born in Kansas City, MO in 1964, and later lived in Cody WY, Bozeman MT and Minneapolis, MN. It was there that she joined Xerox Corporation and began a sales career that spanned over 25 years and included positions at Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer Animal Health.
Robynne was officially diagnosed with PD in the Spring of 2021 about 6 weeks after taking a new sales job in Fort Collins, CO. She was terminated 2 weeks later. At 56 she decided to “retire.” The PD meds are helping with her tremors. Most days, she has her usual positive attitude and smile on her face despite the challenges that others can’t see.
Robynne married her partner of two years in September of 2022. Her wife teaches high school math in the Poudre School District. She now has twin daughters who are freshman at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Her sons, now 27 and 30 years old, live and work in the greater Denver area. She is enjoying life with her wife in Fort Collins with their four dogs!
Thad Pawlikowski

Thad Pawlikowski, BS Aeronautical Engineering, MS Engineering Mechanics
Worked for the Boeing Company in mostly classified space programs. Retired in 1998 after 35 years and moved to Fort Collins, Colorado.
Employed for the past 13 years by Larimer County Elections Office responsible for Data Analyses. He developed and implemented the first ever Electronic Poll Book in the US allowing voters to place their vote anywhere in Larimer County.
Care Partner with Billie Pawlikowski. Primary Co-Treasurer with David Bowden, Care Partner with Sandy Bowden.
Deedra Moats

Deedra Moats is the executive director at The Gallery at Fort Collins located in colorful Colorado. Her career spans over 25 years in the health and human services industry providing residential support for a wide variety of people.
She was born and raised in Texas and graduated from the University of Texas with a degree in psychology. (Hook ’em, horns!)
Deedra moved to Colorado in 2011 with her husband and two children. She enjoys spending her free time with her family discovering new hiking trails, visiting state parks, watching college sports and planning as many beach vacations as possible.
Recent empty nesters, Deedra and her husband have opened their home to four legged friends from near and far, having a steady stream of all type of dogs and puppies in their home for furry visits while their pet parents travel the world.
Deedra’s passion is helping people live their best lives in a comfortable and safe environment while also having fun!
Bill Rogers
Communications Manager

Bill arrived in Colorado, as a youngster, in 1962 when his family moved from Kansas and except for 2 years in Denver has always lived in the Loveland-Ft Collins region; over the years obtaining three degrees from Colorado State University- BA in Social Science, Master of Business Administration and Masters in Computer Information. During this time pursuing careers in Materials Management and IT Support, finally retiring to spend time with his wife and to help her with her Parkinson’s adventure.
Paul French
People with Parkinson’s (PwP) Ambassador

Paul was born and raised in Southern California. He has a BS in Electrical Engineering from UCLA and a Master’s from Stanford.Settling in Silicon Valley, he worked for 15 years in high tech first as an engineer, then as a manager, doing integrated circuit design for computers. Paul moved to Fort Collins in 1996, where he continued his management career in IC design at Hewlett-Packard and Intel. He retired in 2016 as a Director of Engineering.
Paul was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2006. He worked for 10 more years. Upon retiring, Paul got more active in the Parkinson’s community. He started the HARDY (Highly Active, Recently Diagnosed, and Young onset) Parkinson’s Group that meets in the evening so that working PWP can attend. He joined the board of PAR,and the leadership team of the Parkinson’s Support Group in Larimer County. He has attended the Parkinson’s Policy meeting in Washington, D.C., and represented PAR at meetings of the Alliance of Independent Regional Parkinson’s Organization (AIRPO) meetings, in addition to helping organize and lead a Parkinson’s boxing class.
Mary Farrell
Parkinson’s Care Partner support group

Mary leads monthly meetups of our Care Partner group, which meets at a different time and place than our monthly support meeting. Check out our calendar for more specifics.
Carl Dierschow
Technology Coordinator

Carl is a professional business coach and compassionate care partner in Fort Collins. He grew up in Denver, graduated as an engineer from CU Boulder, then got married and has lived in northern Colorado ever since.
With his wife and two children, he worked a couple of years in Melbourne Australia – a truly transformational experience for the whole family.
Carl is active in the local small business community and leads a church handbell choir. He brings his software and Zoom expertise to PSGLC as a way for its members to learn and support each other.