Rehabilitative Qigong and Tai Chi for beginners
November 6, 2024
Rehabilitative Qigong and Tai Chi involves simple, easy to learn movements. We will not become frustrated learning a complex choreographed form as is taught in classical Tai Chi. Rather, we will repeat a few basic movements. Through this repetition, we can learn to move with greater ease, confidence, and awareness. And by moving in a relaxed manner, we will begin to experience a state of healing. Also, the benefits of self massage, coordinating and deepening the breath, and meditation will be explored. Some benefits of this practice include improved balance, strength, coordination, flexibility, thinking, mood and more... These classes are appropriate for anyone with mild to moderate PD. No prior experience necessary.
Facilitator: Gil Wette
I’ve been a practicing physical therapist since 1994. I have worked in my own private practice until recently when I took medical leave. I was diagnosed with PD in 2014 when I was 50 years old. Having experience in Tai Chi, my interest in this practice was revitalized after learning of my condition. Now I’m looking to share in the benefits I have gained from the practice of Rehabilitative Tai Chi and Qigong.
Class Location: Zoom
Please contact Gil for Zoom log in formation and class waiver.
Gil can be reached at (970) 988-0303 and at
Thank you to our generous supporters!
Thad Pawlikowski