MTP classes are designed to improve balance, coordination, increase strength and mobility and to enhance overall well being.
Participants have talked about increased confidence to move with freedom and ease, and finding joy in moving/dancing with others. Join at any time! We work in collaboration with the CSU Music Therapy Dept.
Participants must complete a Parkinson Association of the Rockies (PAR) waiver prior to attending.
In-person or LIVE online through Zoom
Join us in-person at the CSU Center on Health & Aging, 151 Lake Street.
Facilitator Contact
Lisa Morgan, CSU Dance Faculty/Movement Specialist
Lisa Morgan: 482-4279 or
Moving Through Parkinson’s website
CSU students from the Music Therapy and Occupational Therapy programs assist participants.
Be sure you are on Lisa Morgan’s email list and we will send out a link for all classes!
Suggested Donation
Free: Made possible by donations to the Parkinson’s Association of the Rockies in the name of the Parkinson’s Support Group of Larimer County.