Slides and resources from past meetings (page)
Transportation Options In and Around Fort Collins, Loveland and to Denver (PDF)
Mia Boelen’s excellent Youtube videos on dealing with PD issues (page)
Emotional Well-Being and Healthcare Decision-Making Resources (PDF)
Webinars for Education (PDF)
Biocollective Website
Log on to provide biometric data. This collection is important because it ties together oral microbiome data, gut microbiome data, and blood metabolite data from individuals with Parkinson’s as well as house-hold controls.
Panel Discussion video with four MDS neurologists on understanding and treating Parkinson’s disease.
PD Support for Daily Living (PDF) packet. This information will help guide you in the management of your disease.
Ten Smart Anti-Inflammatory Food Swaps (PDF)
Parkinson Association of the Rockies Youtube channel
The Parkinson Association provides free educational programming to the Rocky Mountain Parkinson’s community and beyond.